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Academic Writing

Peer-Reviewed Articles in English


  • Soyaltin-Colella, DiÄŸdem and Defne Gönenç (2024). Ecofeminist Struggle for Epistemic Recognition beyond the EU? The Case of Akbelen Forest in Turkey. Journal of Gender Studies, online first. doi: 10.1080/09589236.2024.2431571


  • Gönenç, Defne, Vasileios Fouskas, Q. Angus Huang, and Sinan Ünlüsoy (2024). Political Economy of Turkey’s Pivot to Asia. Turkish Studies, 25 (5): 857-881.


  • Can, Özge, and Defne Gönenç (2024). The Impact of Cognitive Filters on Action Repertoires and Interactions: Local Environmental NGOs in the Aegean Region of Turkey. Regional Environmental Change, 24 (53). 


  • Evrensel, Ecem, Defne Gönenç, and Sinan Ünlüsoy (2024). Turkey’s Political Parties’ Asia Policies: Visions, Contacts, Issues. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 26 (5): 768-792.


  • Huang, Qingan, Defne Gönenç, Ceren Ergenç, and Sinan Ünlüsoy (2024). Introduction to the Special Issue "Turkey, Asia, and the EU in a Changing Global Order." Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 26 (5): 593-596.


  • Gönenç, Defne, and Rajeev R. Chaturvedy (2023). Drivers of Indian Foreign Policy in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Review of Indian Foreign Policy towards Greece and Egypt. Ekonomik ve Sosyal AraÅŸtırmalar Dergisi, 19 (2): 512-526.


  • Gönenç, Defne, Emre Ä°ÅŸeri, and Qingan Angus Huang (2022). Editorial to the Special Issue on “Asian Powers in the Eastern Mediterranean”. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 25 (1): 40-47.


  • Çetin, Elif, and Defne Gönenç (2022).  Environmental Justice as an Alternative to Resilience: India as an Example. Gaziantep Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 21 (4): 2354-2370.


  • Gönenç, Defne (2022). Litigation as a Strategy for Environmental Movements Questioned: Bergama and Artvin- Cerattepe Movements as Examples. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 24 (2): 303-322.


  • Gönenç, Defne (2021). Conceptualizing Norm Fusion Through Environmental Rights. Environmental Politics, 30 (3): 442-461


  • Gönenç, Defne, and Günseli Durmaz (2020). The Politics of Neoliberal Transformation on the Periphery: A Critical Comparison of Greece and Turkey. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 20 (4): 617-640.


  • Gönenç, Defne, Dario Piselli, and Yixian Sun (2020). The Global Economic System and Access and Allocation. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 20 (2): 223-238.​


  • Gönenç, Defne (2019). Litigation Process of the Social Movements as a Driver of Norm Transformation? Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 32 (1), 43-60.

Peer-Reviewed Articles in Turkish

  • Can, Özge and Defne Gönenç (2022).  Ege Bölgesi’ndeki Çevreci Sivil Toplum KuruluÅŸları: Örgütsel Özellikler ve Ä°liÅŸkiler (Environmental Civil Society Groups in the Aegean Region: Organizational Characteristics and Relationships). Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 20 (44): 329-356. 


  • Gönenç, Defne (2019). Türkiye’de Sivil Toplum ve Çevre Politikası (Civil Society and Environmental Politics in Turkey). Mimarlık, 409, 33-36.


  • Gönenç, Defne, and Alper Almaz (2018). Bir Süreç Olarak HoÅŸnutsuzların ÇevreciliÄŸi: Hindistan’dan Sardar Sarovar Barajı ÖrneÄŸi (Environmentalism of the Malcontent as a Process: The Example of Sardar Sarovar Dam from India). Alternatif Politika, 10 (2), 156-180.


  • Gönenç Defne, and Aysegul KibaroÄŸlu (2017). Ä°klim GüvenliÄŸi Kavramının Türkiye Ä°klim Politikasındaki Yeri (The Concept of Climate Security in Turkey’s Climate Policies). Alternatif Politika, December 2017, Special Issue on Climate Change and Energy, 1-26.

Book Chapters in Turkish

  • Aydın, Bengü ve Defne Gönenç (2021). Çevresel Bir Sorun Olarak Kirlilik (Pollution as an Environmental Problem). In Zerrin SavaÅŸan and Hakan Ünay. Uluslararası Çevre Hukuku ve Politikaları (International Environmental Law and Politics). Ankara: Yetkin Yayıncılık. 399-432.


  • Gönenç, Defne (2021). Çevresel Adalet (Environmental Justice). In Zerrin SavaÅŸan, ÇaÄŸlar Söker and Fırat Harun Yılmaz (eds.). Çevre Hukuku ve Politikaları: Kavramlar, Teoriler ve Tartışmalar (Environmental Law and Politics: Concepts, Theories and Debates). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık. 83-107.

Book Reviews in English

  • Gönenç, Defne (2023). Review: The Political Economy of Austerity: Crisis, Social Movements, and the Environment by Rita Calvario, Maria Kaika, and Giorgos Velegrakis. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 23 (4), 945-947.


  • Gönenç, Defne (2022). Review: India in a Warming World: Integrating Climate Change and Development. Uluslararası Ä°liÅŸkiler, 19 (75), 107-109.


  • Gönenç, Defne (2021). Review:  China & the USA: Globalisation and the Decline of American Supremacy by Vassilis Fouskas, Shampa Roy-Mukherjee, Qingan Huang and Ejike Udeogu. Journal of Chinese Political Science, 26 (3), 607-608.


  • Gönenç, Defne (2020). Review: Transforming Socio-Natures in Turkey: Landscapes, State and Environmental Movement by Onur Ä°nal and Ethemcan Turhan. Mediterranean Politics, 27 (5), 682-684.


  • Gönenç, Defne (2017). Review: Climate Justice: Vulnerability and Protection by Henry Shue. Journal of Human Rights and Environment, 8 (1), 168-171.


  • Gönenç, Defne (2016). Review: A Liberal Actor in a Realist World. The European Union Regulatory State and the Global Political Economy of Energy by Andreas Goldthau and Nick Sitter. Europe-Asia Studies, 68 (9), 1611- 1612.


  • Gönenç, Defne ve Mete Gönenç (2019). Çevre ve Ä°ktisat Politikası Gibi Bir Åžey (Something Like Environmental and Economic Policy). Ä°stanbul: Ä°kinci Adam Yayınevi.

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